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Your Optimal Creativity Time

Many of us consider ourselves either a morning person or a night owl—times when we feel more productive, awake, and think better. Not all types of thinking tasks, though, fit in with what we consider the optimal time of day for us. The Creativity Post points out that creativity happens when you least expect it.

Our internal clocks dictate when our brainpower is at its peak. Those are the times when we can really concentrate and complete tasks that require working memory, which The Creativity Post calls "our flexible mental scratch pad." For morning types, this means working on demanding cognitive tasks (e.g., solving analytical problems) is best done early in the day. For night owls, later in the day is better.

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Communicate with customers using blog posts

This is your store’s blog. You can use it to talk about new product launches, experiences, tips or other news you want your customers to read about.

You can check out Shopify’s ecommerce blog for inspiration and advice for your own store and for your store’s blog.

How do I remove this post?
Log in to your store’s admin area then go to the blog section to delete this post.

Why use Shopify?
Shopify gives you everything you need to sell online and run an online store. Pick an ecommerce template, add your products, then launch your store to the world. Shopify includes ecommerce hosting, a shopping cart software, and more.

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